I consider myself more of an illustrator than an artist. With attention to detail, I love bright colors and retro style similar to the old rock ‘n roll posters of the 1960’s with a little bit of the circus thrown in.
So, if anything, I hope I can convey that sense of nostalgia, excitement and whimsy from rock’s golden age, that seems to be making a comeback. Oh, and I have no problems tweaking the political landscape and other topics of the moment in this current world we live in.
I have done various shows throughout the region and my work has been featured at the Nebraska Governor’s Mansion. My biggest honor was to do the artwork for the 50th anniversary shareholders meeting for Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffet.
In the near decade since my previous career ended, I have had work in a number of galleries, including New York City and Santa Monica California. And have had numerous newspaper and magazine articles written about me.
I hope I might bring inspiration to many other Baby Boomers that it’s never too late to live your dreams. This never gets old.